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Gilf Kebir National Park

Gilf Kebir National Park

Gilf Kebir National Park is a national park located in the New Valley Governorate in the far southwest of Egypt, bordered on the west by the border with Libya and from the south by the border with Sudan. The reserve consists of vast dry plains of sand dunes, mountainous areas, and caves.
The park characterized the presence of three different ecosystems which are the southern ranges of the Great Sand Sea, including the Silica glass area, the Gilf Kebir plateau and the Egyptian portion of the Gabal El Uweinat massif. The reserve contains important plants adapted to the desert, such as Acacia trees and Zilla shrubs, in addition to animals, the most important of which is the Barbary Sheep.
by Clemens Schmillen, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
by Clemens Schmillen, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
by Roland Unger, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Area Map

Nature Reserve

Gilf Kebir National Park