Mountain Chains

Mountain Chains

It is a group of isolated highlands located in the deserts of Egypt, which includes Al-Halal, Al-Maghara and Yelleg mountains in the Sinai desert, Gabal Sha’ib El Banat and Jabal Dokhkhan in the Eastern Desert, Gabal Elba in the Halaib Triangle, and Gabal El Uweinat on the Egyptian-Libyan-Sudanese border, in addition to the Gilf Kebir Plateau in southwestern Egypt. These mountains are home to many rare plants and endangered animals.

Mountain Chains was submitted in 2003 to the UNESCO Tentative List in Egypt.
by Edal Anton Lefterov, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Area Map


Tentative List


Mountain Chains

Date of Submission