- ► Alexander the Great statue discovered in Turkey
- ► Neolithic Necklace Reconstructed in Jordan
- ► Thor Hammer Amulet Discovered in Sweden
- ► Evidence of prehistoric hunting discovered in Arabian desert
- ► Ancient settlement discovered in Turkey
- ► Ancient grave unearthed in Slovakia
- ► Medieval prayer beads discovered in Britain
- ► Qing Dynasty tombs discovered in China
- ► Ancient tombs uncovered at the cathedral of Notre Dame
- ► Administrative Centre discovered in Upper Egypt
Tentative List
Tentative List Sites in Egypt
Tentative List Sites in Egypt
Egypt | 
Tentative List Sites in Egypt
Sites submitted to the UNESCO tentative list in Egypt. The list includes 24 cultural sites and 7 natural sites.
Cultural Tentative List Sites in Egypt
Dahshour Archaeological Area
Abydos, city of pilgrimage of the Pharaohs
North Sinai archaeological Sites Zone
Kharga Oasis and the Small Southern Oases [Mixed]
Alexandria, ancient remains and the new library
Necropolises of Middle Egypt, from the Middle Empire to the Roman period
The An-Nakhl fortress, a stage on the pilgrimage route to Mecca
El Fayoum
Pharaonic temples in Upper Egypt from the Ptolemaic and Roman periods
Pharaon Island
El-Gendi Fortress
Temple of Serabit Khadem
Siwa archaeological area
The monasteries of the Arab Desert and Wadi Natrun
Rutho Monastery
Wadi Feiran
Newibah Castle
Gebel Qatrani Area, Lake Qaroun Nature Reserve [Mixed]
Historic quarters and monuments of Rosetta/Rachid
Raoudha nilometre in Cairo
Helwan Observatory
Oasis of Fayoum, hydraulic remains and ancient cultural landscapes
Egyptian Museum in Cairo
Natural Tentative List Sites in Egypt

Number of Sites Submitted