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Lajat Biosphere Reserve

Lajat Biosphere Reserve

Lajat Biosphere Reserve is a natural reserve located in the basaltic plateau of Lajat Al-Suwayda Governorate, southern Syria. The site is a rich biological diversity and includes a distinct set of landscapes such as undulating basalt hills interspersed with black volcanic pumice and some unique volcanic cones.
Of the plant species found in the reserve, there are Pistacia atlantica, almonds, olives, and hawthorn, in addition to the Iris auranitica endemic to the region, and Amaranthus spinosus. The reserve includes a variety of birds and mammals, the most important of which are the hyena, wolf, jackal, European badger, rabbits and squirrels, in addition to many species of migratory and endemic birds.

Lajat Biosphere Reserve is included in the UNESCO World Network of Biosphere Reserves (WNBR).
Designation date: 2009
by Anas Qtiesh, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Area Map

Biosphere Reserve

Lajat Biosphere Reserve