Bioclimatic Refugia of Western Arabia

Bioclimatic Refugia of Western Arabia

The Bioclimatic Refugia of Western Arabia, encompassing major mountain peaks, woodlands, and wetlands along Saudi Arabia's Sarawat Mountain Range, play a crucial role in preserving the unique flora and fauna of this arid landscape. Shaped by historical climate changes, these refuges have become sanctuaries during arid periods, rich in biodiversity.
Stretching from Yemen to Jordan, the site includes diverse and vital geographic zones, essential for combating environmental degradation and adapting to climate change. Its seven key areas, including Jabal ad-Dubbagh and Wadi Lajb, are instrumental in environmental conservation, showcasing a unique blend of natural diversity and cultural heritage.

Bioclimatic Refugia of Western Arabia was submitted in 2023 to the UNESCO Tentative List in Saudi Arabia.
by Wajahatmr, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Area Map


Tentative List


Bioclimatic Refugia of Western Arabia

Date of Submission