Umm Al-Rihan Forest

Umm Al-Rihan Forest

Umm Al-Rihan Forest is the largest forest in the West Bank, Palestine. It is located in the far west of the West Bank, northwest of Jenin, at an altitude of 412 m above sea level.
It is a series of dense forests that surround Jenin. The Umm al-Rihan forest is characterized by a diversity of vegetation cover, as it contains the original wild species of barley and wheat, as well as the most of original wild species of fruit trees.
It is also a destination for many travelling endangered species such as the honey buzzard and the Egyptian eagle, in addition to other animal species such as wolves and red foxes.
Umm Al-Rihan Forest was submitted in 2012 to the UNESCO Tentative List in Palestine.
by Osama Eid (cropped), CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Area Map


Tentative List


Umm Al-Rihan Forest

Date of Submission


See also in Palestine