Lake Magui

Lake Magui

Lake Magui, also known as Lac Magui, is a natural freshwater lake located in the Kayes region in western Mali. The lake is full of herbaceous and woody plants, and is home to a very rich biodiversity, including small mammals such as deer, pigs, jackals, and hyenas, in addition to reptiles, fish, and many species of migratory and endemic birds.
The lake is of great importance in terms of maintaining the general hydrological balance of the Senegal River Basin. It is also a major habitat for human activities related to agriculture, grazing, fishing and harvesting forest products.

Lake Magui was submitted in 2016 to the UNESCO Tentative List in Mali.
by KAG1LP2MDIAKITE, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Area Map


Tentative List


Lake Magui

Date of Submission