Home UNESCO Lists Intangible Cultural Heritage Coming Forth of the Masks and Puppets in Markala

Coming Forth of the Masks and Puppets in Markala

Coming Forth of the Masks and Puppets in Markala

The coming forth of the masks and puppets is a ritual ceremony practiced among the Bambara, Bozo, Marka and Somono communities in Markala. It is characterized by mask and drum dances with songs featuring dancers and puppeteers.
Each mask and doll symbolize the sacred connection between man and nature, that is, with particular animals that embody certain virtues in society. During the dry season, young novices receive knowledge and instruction to prepare them for the transition into adulthood.
The ritual is practiced in the sacred forest next to the Niger River, where the knowledge and skills associated with these ritual practices are imparted to the young boys by the elders. The festive ritual provides a space for ceremonial encounters and exchanges to resolve conflicts within and between communities, as well as misunderstandings and family disputes.

Coming Forth of the Masks and Puppets in Markala was inscribed in 2014 on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in Mali.
by PizzaOUATTARA (cropped), CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Coming Forth of the Masks and Puppets in Markala

Date of Inscription